Friday, November 21, 2014



A lot of people ask us about flea and worm control for their pet. Here are some of the commonly asked questions.

What are parasites?

These organisms are nasty living bugs that suck the life and nutrition out of your pet – a parasite is an organism that feeds on another organism (the host) at the benefit of itself and the expense of the host.

Fleas, Lice, Mites - You need to protect your pet against external (ecto) and internal (endo) parasites. External (outside) parasites live, as the name hints outside the body. These include fleas, ticks, ear mites, biting lice and grass mites etc. They bite the skin of your pet to get the blood and make your pet scratch. The best way to prevent these is regular spot-on treatments bought from your local veterinary hospital (NOT SUPERMARKET – these are nowhere near as effective). They can also be bought as a spray. Some good product names included are Frontline, Amflee, Pestigon, Stronghold.

Worms - Endo-parasites refer to worms and parasites inside the body. The two most prevalent are roundworm and tapeworm. Be careful to worm your pet regularly if you have small children as roundworm can potentially cause blindness in them. Roundworm is common in pups and pregnant bitches. Eggs are passed in faeces and can survive in the environment. Tapeworms can be obtained from raw meat or fleas and more common in the adult dog. Good product names would include milbemax, stronghold, prowormer, prazitel. These are oral tablets.

When you come in to buy your flea and worm treatments you do not need to bring your pet with you. We just need a rough idea of size just tell us the breed.

How to apply a spot-on?

To apply the spot-on, open the packet surrounding it. You will then find a little pipette of liquid which you break the seal at the top. Part the hair at the back of the dog or cats neck and apply all of the liquid onto the skin. Do not have your dog or cat in lashing rain or swimming / bathing for the next 48h to let the product sink in and take effect.

How often do I worm my pet dog/cat?
  • ·       Before 8 weeks (feeding off bitch) – worm the bitch/queen midway through pregnancy
  • ·        Before 8 weeks (hand reared) puppy/kitten wormer – parazole
  • ·        From 8weeks on ; every TWO weeks until three months old
  • ·        Three months; Every month until 6 months old
  • ·        Six months (adult) ; Every 3 months
  • ·        Puppy/Kitten: All can be assumed have worms. You have to worm a puppy or kitten more frequently because of this. A puppy with a huge infestation might prove fatal; a small puppy cannot handle all the nutritional draining done by the worms. 

How do I know if my pet has worms?

You can take it for granted pups and kittens have worms, and so worm regularly as outlined above to prevent and kill infestations. You may not see signs or symptoms in early stages so always worm and flea your pet regularly before it comes a problem. A very bad worm infection can be fatal especially in young or weak animals.
The signs of a pup having worms are a full swollen tummy, dull coat, sunken eyes, listless (less energetic / sleepy), visible worms from the rectum, and a larger appetite than normal and not putting on weight.

How do I know if my pet has fleas?

You may see a visible flea on your pet. They are small black / brown insects that will hop around in the fur. Also comb through the animals hair – there will also be black ‘coal dust’ present with fleas where the hair meets the skin. You may also squish this dirt between a tissue and if you get any red staining it is an indication of fleas.

Do I have to treat my home?

Yes. If your pet sleeps inside the best thing is to treat its bedding, cushions etc it has used in a hot 90’degree wash. You will want to treat the house and furnishings (esp carpet or soft material) with a relevant flea killing spray such as RIP spray that we sell here. This spray has enough to treat a three bedroom house.

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